
Who Can Become a CAVM Member? Any veterinarian in Canada who has an active veterinary license with their provincial association can apply for CAVM membership. RVTs/AHTs can not become CAVM members however, they are able to attend our continuing education sessions at member rates (+ catering costs for evening sessions).
What are the Membership Benefits? Reduced rates for continuing education sessions, priority registration for some sessions (especially wet labs), provide suggestions for CE topics & speakers, invitations to social activities and business meetings including our AGM with banquet & entertainment, opportunities to volunteer on our executive board of directors, chances to meet professional colleagues and industry partners at our events, quarterly newsletters, free ads on our job postings page and more! Members who are hospital/clinic owners also get their clinic information listed on our website for free.
The CAVM also has reciprocity with EASAV (Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians) which means our members can attend their sessions at member rates and vice versa.
When Can I Become a CAVM Member? You can apply for membership with CAVM at any time of the year. For current members, renewals are due by Feb 1 each year.
Where Can I Find the Membership Application Form? Email us at to receive an application form and more information.
Why Should I Consider Becoming a CAVM Member? In addition to the Membership Benefits listed above, memberships help financially support our non-profit organization. To maintain our non-profit company status, we need to have members, we also need to have board members, and we need members to attend our meetings and vote. To put it simply, without our members and their participation we wouldn’t exist!