The Calgary Academy of Veterinary Medicine (CAVM) was established in 1969 by a group of Calgary veterinarians who shared a common vision and direction for the local
veterinary community. The original objectives of the CAVM remain the same today and include:
- Organizing opportunities for excellent and affordable local continuing education for its members
- Offering social events for members to meet one another
- Promoting a professional image of veterinary medicine in advertising and
community activities - Creating liaisons with the City of Calgary, Calgary Humane Society, and the University of Calgary school of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM)
- Providing a means of group discussion for member veterinary clinics on topical issues through business meetings
The CAVM operates as a non-profit organization with a board of nine volunteer members and one paid office administrator. Members or associates apply for membership and pay a yearly membership fee. Members of the CAVM are entitled to reduced rates for CAVM continuing education events and voting rights at the annual general meeting.
The CAVM also has reciprocity with the Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians (EASAV) which enables their members to attend our continuing education events at member rates and vice versa. The excellent annual CAVM continuing education programs and the collective bond of member clinics to uphold the original objectives of the CAVM makes this organization unique and vital to the Calgary veterinary community.